Anti-Aging and Longevity

The rate at which we age is determined by many factors and there are many advances that have helped to reduce suffering and factors of ageing, but the most recent discovery of stem cells have proven to reverse many factor including high blood sugar, weakened heart pumping ability and even, a digestive ulcer, all at the same time after only one simple intravenous application.

Some of the most common signs of aging are: 

  • Hormone imbalances
  • Impaired vision
  • Impaired hearing
  • Loss of strength in muscles
  • Loss of bone density
  • Decreased immune system function
  • Decreased cognitive ability 
  • Less efficient metabolism.
  • Loss of energy
  • Hair loss
  • Decreased balance and overall mobility

Aging is a slow breakdown of the body’s systems. It is a slow disease process. Every person ages differently. We have designed a personalized approach to anti-aging. We start with an individualized assessment of your health.  After we understand your health situation then we design a personalized program that fits your needs. 

Swiss Labs Anti-Aging Program

Here is our 6 Step approach to anti-aging.

  1. We test your bio markers for aging so we can determine the measurable factors that are contribution to your aging

  2. We use ​Tesla based scalar wave technology​ to measure imbalances and disorders in a patient’s system. 

  3. We design a Hormone replacement regimen around your body’s unique metabolism and endocrine system

  4. We create an individualized program of supplementation to help you fill in nutritional gaps 

  5. We will detoxify your body in order to rebalance your system:

  • Cardiovascular System

  • Digestive System

  • Lymphatic System

  1. We will design a Stem Cell Therapy to treat your individually. We can administer stem cells by IV and also directly into the joints, face, hair and even the sexual organs.

1. Testing Bio Markers:

Before we can treat we need to understand your personal health.

With our Anti-aging program, we monitor your bio markers of Aging: 




Fat/%body weight


Triglycerides, LDL


Strength, Energy, Speed


Kidney filtration (Bun/Crea)






Peripheral blood flow


Bone mineral density


Heavy metal toxicity



2. We use ​Tesla based scalar wave technology​:

We measure imbalances and disorders in a patient’s system. Imbalances can lead to disease and chronic health issues. Our is the most advanced biofeedback technology of its kind and the only device in the world that uses Tesla coils and scalar waves to measure and balance your energetic imbalances to restore your immune system to a balanced stress-free state.

Each session will focus on boosting the function of your immune system. This technology is particularly good at addressing conditions associated with chronic fatigue, autoimmunity and mystery illnesses.

3. Hormone Replacement – Pellet Therapy

Pellet therapy is the most natural way to replenish hormone levels for women and men. Implants, placed under the skin, consistently release small, physiologic doses of bioidentical hormones just like those found normally in your body providing optimal therapy. This method is simple, convenient, and has one of the best safety records.

Advantages of Pellet Therapy:

  • The hormones are absorbed directly into the bloodstream avoiding the liver and gastrointestinal system.

  • Continuous availability of the hormones 24/7

  • Your body controls the release of the hormone. You absorb more hormone during exercise and stress, and you absorb less hormone when you are at rest.

  • Convenience – the pellets typically last 3-5 months.

  • You don’t have to apply creams or gels daily.

  • Studies show this method to be best for mental clarity and sexual function.

  • Great for bone density

4. Individualized supplementation program

Most of us are experiencing health challenges and aging brought on by nutritional deficiencies. WE will provide an easy to manage program based on your blood tests and our tesla technology.  Nutrient deficiencies are common. In one study on the U.S. population. Rich, poor, well, or sick–92 percent of the population is suffering from at least one mineral or vitamin deficiency based on the Dietary Reference Intakes.  The entire country is overfed and undernourished. Even if you consume a “perfect” diet, the odds are, something is missing.

5. Detoxification

Most of us have systems that are no functioning at peak efficiency. One of the primary factors is our systems become clogged with waste and toxins. From poor diet, environmental factors, pharmaceuticals and other factors our bodies become clogged and need help to remove some of the toxins and clogged waste.

  • Cardiovascular System – with our state of the art aphereisis technology we are able to help cleanse the cardiovascular system

  • Digestive System – with our colon hydrotherapy treatments we are able to break down the accumulated waste that has been causing poor absorption, constipation and other digestive issues

  • Lymphatic System – with our magnetic therapy we are able to liquefy lymphatic waste to help unclog the lymph to allow drainage

6. Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Anti-aging:

As we age we lose our ability to regenerate tissues. Over time this shows up in the mirror. Stem Cells are the repair mechanisms of the body. As the graph below show as we age we have less stem cells available for the body to use for repair.

An individual’s stem cell production and cell function decreases with age.

  • This decrease likely contributes to reduced ability to regenerate and repair organs and tissues.
  • As we age, we produce less stem cells, poorer quality stem cells and less active stem cells.
  • Substantial evidence has shown that chronic inflammation underlies the syndrome of aging frailty, leading to impairments in mobility and gait, sarcopenia, osteopenia, and decreased strength.
  • The therapeutic use of MSC’s have the ability to lower inflammation throughout the body and slow the aging process.

Our Personalized Anti-Aging Program:

  1. We test your bio markers for aging so we can determine the measurable factors that are contribution to your aging
  2. We use ​Tesla based scalar wave technology​ to measure imbalances and disorders in a patient’s system.
  3. We design a Hormone replacement regimen around your body’s unique metabolism and endocrine system
  4. We create an individualized program of supplementation to help you fill in nutritional gaps
  5. We will detoxify your body in order to rebalance your system:
    • Cardiovascular System
    • Digestive System
    • Lymphatic System
  1. We will design a Stem Cell Therapy to treat your individually
  • An individual’s stem cell production and cell function decreases with age.
  • This decrease likely contributes to reduced ability to regenerate and repair organs and tissues.
  • As we age, we produce less stem cells, poorer quality stem cells and less active stem cells.
  • Substantial evidence has shown that chronic inflammation underlies the syndrome of aging frailty, leading to impairments in mobility and gait, sarcopenia, osteopenia, and decreased strength.
  • The therapeutic use of MSC’s have the ability to lower inflammation throughout the body and slow the aging process.

The benefits of a stem cell transplant for aging:

  • A feeling of vitality and rejuvenation 
  • Improved capacity for physical activities
  • Better sexual performance
  • Normalized hormones
  • Weight loss
  • Thickening and improved quality of hair
  • A decrease in pain
  • Increased strength, balance & overall mobility
  • Enhanced immunity 
  • Overall improvement in the quality of life
  • Immune system regulation


Choose your desired program below

Day 1

  • Medical consult and review of medical records

  • Diagnostics and Meta Scan Evaluation

  • Hormone Evaluation 

  • Design Supplement Program 

Day 2

  • Stem Cell IV

  • Human Placenta Injection

  • PRP – Needle Free Hair and facial treatment

Day 3

  • Follow up Consult

  • Individualized Anti-Aging Therapies based on evaluation

  • Hormone Balancing

Swiss Anti-aging Program

Day 1

  • Medical consult and review of medical records

  • Diagnostics and Meta Scan Evaluation 

  • Individualized Integrative Therapies 

  • Hormone Evaluation 

  • Design Supplement Program 

Day 2

  • Stem Cell IV

  • Human Placenta Injection

  • Hair and Face Stem Cell Injections

Day 3

  • Infrared hyperthermia

  • HBOT

  • PRP – Needle Free Hair and facial treatment

Day 4

  • Individualized Integrative Therapies

  • Vitamin b12 inject 

Day 5

  • Follow up consultation with your Physician

  • Dietary consultation

  • Hormone balancing

  • Custom supplement support

Day 1

  • Medical consult and review of medical records

  • Diagnostics and Meta Scan Evaluation 

  • Telomere/Gene Test


  • Infrared Hyperthermia

  • Individualized Integrative Therapies

  • Hormone Evaluation 

  • Design Supplement Program 

Day 2

  • Stem Cell IV

  • Human Placenta Injection

  • Hair and Face Stem Cell Injections

  • Optional Stem Cell Penis Injection

Day 3

  • HBOT

  • Jet Peel Needle free

Day 4

  • Individualized Integrative Therapies

  • Vitamin b12 inject

Day 5

  • Dietary consultation

  • Hormone balancing

  • Custom supplement support

Day 6

  • Stem Cell IV

  • Individualized Integrative Therapies

Day 7

  • Follow up consultation with your Physician

  • Jet Peel Needle free